The Cross Revealed

God has given us all that we need to lead a life pleasing to Him. We abandon confidence in ourselves or other men, and cast ourselves on Jesus, "The author and finisher of our faith".

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Self Denial

 I have been perusing William Law's book, edited by Dave Hunt, "The power of the Spirit". His constant theme is that the natural man is not the spiritual man and that all the devisions in the church, and inconsistent behavior with the life of Christ can be found in one simple fact: Men are trying their best to live the "Christian life" under their own steam instead of relying on the Spirit of Christ within. Law does not oppose the use of reason in laying the foundations of faith, but he would limit its function. All of one's natural faculties, including the reasoning mind, must be placed under the authority of the Spirit of the Lord in us. This is self-denial, an active placing of trust in the One who is greater than ourselves, and apart from whom we can do nothing of any eternal value. 

So no, self-denial is not setting one's will toward what one supposes to be the will of God, but actively putting trust in the one who "Works in us both to will and to do His good pleasure". Attack such a believer all you will: He will but offer the other cheek, for he is absolutely secure in Jesus Christ. He has been crucified together with Christ, has been buried together with Christ, and has been raised up together with Him to a new life. The believer who has picked up his cross, denied himself and is now following Jesus has no agenda of his own. He cannot claim any glory for himself. He is hardly even aware of himself. The fruit of his life is the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5. His life is abiding in his Lord, trusting Him fully in all things. 


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