True Worship
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:23-24
Miriam was just going to get water. It was the same thing every day. There were other wells, but here, outside of town, at the hottest hour of the day, she knew she would not be harassed. She was an outcast who lived in a city of outcasts. Her life was a mess and she did not want to be reminded of it.
So she gets to the well, but much to her surprise, she is not alone. A Jewish man is there as well. First of all, He's not supposed to be there. Jews would NEVER come through her parts. The Jews looked down on the Samaritan people as they were not pure blooded descendants of Abraham like they were. And even if they did come to Samaria, they certainly would not have any dealings with them. Second, Miriam is a woman. In her culture, a man would NEVER speak to a woman who was not his relative. It just was not done.
But Jesus asks Miriam, "Give to me a drink". This was the first of many shock waves that He will drop on her. Her response? Well, Jesus, need I remind you that your group does not talk to Samaritans, and that you are a man, and I am a woman, and yet you are asking ME for a drink of water? I am beyond surprised. Well, Miriam, if you knew who it is who is asking you for a drink, you would have asked Him, and He would have given you a drink of living water. So Miriam, who has come in shame to seek natural water, has been offered instead some LIVING water, to quench the pain in her soul.
But she doesn't yet understand this. She is still trying to get her natural thirst quenched. "Jesus, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep, where are you going to get this living water"? Miriam, whoever drinks of the natural water in this well will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water I shall give him will become a well of water full of eternal life. Really Jesus? I can drink and never thirst again? Where do I sign up? I am so tired of my old life. I want some of your water.
"Go call your husband and come back". Jesus drops the hammer on her, not out of spite, but from His compassionate heart. He knows that for Him to minister to her, the truth must come out. He knows who she is, and what she has done, but He is not ashamed to offer her a drink. Miriam, you've had five husbands, and the guy you're with now is someone else's husband. Silence. Taken back, she perceives He is a prophet. Not knowing what else to say, she asks Him about who is right, her people or His people, about salvation, what mountain to worship God on. "Miriam, it doesn't matter. All who will worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. This is the true worship.
So my friends, what is Jesus referring to here? What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and in Truth? Spirit is really hard to explain. Jesus told Nicodemus that spirit is like wind. How so? I suppose if you've ever thought about it, where does the wind come from? Nobody knows. Where is it going? No clue. But ask anyone whose ever lived in Kansas. They'll tell you the wind is very much real! We can see a person's body with our natural eyes. We can experience people's soul in our observation of their minds, wills and emotions. And yet, is the body and the soul all there is to a person? Is there not something mysterious, that if you were to take away the body and the soul, would still remain? That is the spirit of a man.
As for Truth, well, the Bible matters. We can know God only in our spirits, Jesus is telling the woman at the well. But spirits can be deceived. We might think we are hearing from God, but how can we know for sure? This is where a full knowledge of what God has written in His Word is essential. If what you think you are hearing from God is clearly contradicted by what He has already said, that is a warning that you are NOT hearing from him. For example, someone might say, "I believe God is leading me to divorce my spouse". No, He is not. Jesus said it's man and woman, for life. Or perhaps you think he's leading you to go into business with a nonbeliever. Again, no, for He says not to be unequally yoked together with nonbelievers. Without the Spirit, the Bible is just words on a page. Without the Bible, our spirits can easily be deceived and we can be led astray. So let us be spirit led, but guided by the Truth, saints!
My friend, do you, like Miriam, find yourself immersed in sin and shame? Are you tired of living a life that seems just goes from one crisis to another? As the song goes, have you been seeking that which does not satisfy? Jesus offers you a drink of Living Water. He is inviting you to know Him. It's as simple as ABC!
Admit, accept that what you're life has been is hopeless. Wondering from one relationship to another, working dead end jobs, pursuing all sorts of pleasures have NOT truly satisfied that longing in your soul. Indeed, you are ready to drink of His living water. You are ready to come to Him. And He stands ready to come to you. Just ask!
Believe, trust, confide in Him. This is not just believing some statement about Christ, but rather letting go and trusting Him for everything, never looking back.
Confess with your mouth that you have admitted your sin, and that you have indeed believed. Words matter. Paul writes in Romans 10:10, "For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation". Will you pray this today? Will you ask Him for His living water? He stands at the door of your heart and knocks. If you open the door, He will come in and dine with you.
"Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord,
come and quench this thirsting of my soul
Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more
fill my cup, I lift it up, and make me whole"
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