What is really important in trying times
"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible Day of the LORD" Joel 2:31
There are many eschatologies floated as to the exactly how Jesus Christ comes back. Some believe that the world will grow gradually better as the Church takes authority over the principalities and powers of the air. When fully taken ahold of by the Church, Christ comes back. I understand this view is called amillennial. Others believe the world will grow darker and darker till the world is ready for judgment. Christ then comes back to take back the world by force. Some believe that Christ comes back for His church, then for the next seven years pronounces judgment on the earth, ending in the Day of the Lord when He comes back to the Earth to rule. This is called Pretribulation rapture. Others see the Church enduring the wrath of the devil for at least some of the tribulation, being raptured out before the Wrath of God is poured out on the inhabitants of the Earth, those who do not know God and who are in rebellion against Him. This is called Mid-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture.
Certainly all of these eschatologies cannot be right. When I evaluated these positions, Mid-trib or Post-trib makes the most sense to me. But let me say unequivocally that I would STRONGLY prefer to be wrong. Not so much in avoidance of persecution, but that passages such as 2 Thessalonians 2 and Matthew 24 make it clear that the main threat will be deception. Antichrist comes, brings "peace" to a strife-ravaged world, and nearly EVERYONE will think this guy is the real Jesus. Those who do not love the Truth will be taken in by him (2TH 2:15). The deception will be so thorough that, if possible, even the elect would be deceived. I most certainly do NOT want to be on earth then. But of course, that is not up to me, but to the LORD.
There was a powerful word on Mark 13 at my church a few weeks ago. Essentially, Jeff said that far more important than being "right" about the end times is to be "right" with the LORD. Are we ready for his return? Are we "born again", as evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit present in our lives? Is His image so imprinted on our hearts that our identity, our sense of self-worth, is no longer in our possessions, our families or our positions in society, but rather in the knowledge that we are His? I believe these are the far more pressing questions.
"But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life" Jude 20-21.
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