Bread and Wine
"Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, 'This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you". Luke 22:20.
I've been walking with God for many years now. I probably have participated in thousands of communion services. Though I would have said I had some understanding of the symbolism, I never really could catch the significance of this rite. Last nite at Hope Chapel, it was the first weekend of the month, and, thus, communion night. As we were holding the bread and wine, God showed me something.
Why did Christ offer bread and wine? Once we eat the bread, which is His body, the blood is in us. We are participating in the life of Christ. "This do in remembrance of me". Recall. For we so easily forget. Is there something supernatural here? Some have believed we are literally eating His body. Others insist it's only symbolic. I suggest neither one. It is a meal, but it is our spirits that are eating, not our bodies.
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