The Cross Revealed

God has given us all that we need to lead a life pleasing to Him. We abandon confidence in ourselves or other men, and cast ourselves on Jesus, "The author and finisher of our faith".

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Undeniable facts

 Harrison Butker "kicked up" a maelstrom of protest after his commencement speech at a tiny Catholic college. He told the women that they would likely fill more fulfilled as mothers to children than any other career they might have pursued. Wrong answer, says the left. You really "booted" that commencement speech. We hate you. 

This has been a hot potato since the 1960's, and the women's "Liberation" movement. Women of my mom's generation, having kids in the baby boom generation, were content to be at home. They were satisfied with the title "Mom". But something happened in the 1960's. A cultural bomb went off, and its shrapnel is still wounding folks today. The "diabolical lie" Butker referred to is modern feminism, with its insistence on "equal rights". The "battle of the sexes" was staged, and children would always be the loser. 

No matter how the woke left shapes the narrative, there is no way that the woman can do it all. She cannot, as the commercial from yesteryear drone, "Bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan". She can have her career, or she can be an effective mom, but she cannot be both. She knows this deep in her heart, but the lie is so pervasive. 

I have no creative solution to this dilemma. Some Dads do work in the home, probably they are only a small percentage of families with one income. Due to inflation, most couples are dual income just to survive. Child care is hard to find, and expensive. Not surprisingly, the US birth rate is down. Who would want kids under these circumstances? 

God created woman as the "ezer", the helpmate. It was not good for Adam to be alone. He needed help. So God took one of his ribs, and made the woman. Adam is given dominion, and Eve helps him. This is offensive to modern woke feminism. But can it be that today's moms are waking up to this, and returning their hearts to the home?


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