The Cross Revealed

God has given us all that we need to lead a life pleasing to Him. We abandon confidence in ourselves or other men, and cast ourselves on Jesus, "The author and finisher of our faith".

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Object of our faith

"We are looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:2 

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us . . ." 
Eph. 3:20

Years ago Monty Hall was the host of the TV game show "Let's Make a Deal". I have not seen the show in years, but as I recall the basic theme was that a contestant picked one of three doors. Behind one door was a brand new car, the second maybe some nice furniture, and finally one door would gain the contestant the booby prize. Hall would tell the contestant that what was behind the door was theirs, but of course, they had no way of knowing what it was. So Hall offers them money to see if they will sell their prize back to him. So do they give up the dream of a new car for 1000 dollars? 

B. Al-Zebub Esq., *a.k.a "the devil". knows very well what's behind the door called "Eternity", something with which nothing on earth could ever compare. No matter. As long as Satan can convince the believer that the trinkets of this earth are much more to be desired than the gold of the Kingdom, he has won the battle. Compared to the riches of Christ, anything on Earth is but a weak imitation. The believer less experienced in the way of the Cross might jump on that deal. And be ripped off, for the object of his faith was something temporal. 

So what is the true object of our Faith? Nothing short of the LORD himself , the "author and finisher of our faith". Solomon could have asked for anything from the LORD, and it would have been his. Riches, power and fame were options. Ever humble, instead he asked for Wisdom (Proverbs 4:7). Instead of temporal riches, which fade away and are burned up, the new king wanted the Eternal Word, and the LORD granted Solomon this, and everything else he did not ask for as well.

This year I hope to have my eyes focused on that Eternal City of God, the reward I shall seek will be the LORD Himself. I am not asking for anything temporal. Whatever I would ask for would doubtlessly be well short of what the LORD would do. So, by faith, I see that City, though I may not know exactly what I will see when I get there. For some saints, death comes before they receive the promise (Hebrews 11), but it is nevertheless sure. God IS a "rewarder of them that diligently seek Him". Hebrews 11:6, Psalm 37:4 etc.