The Cross Revealed

God has given us all that we need to lead a life pleasing to Him. We abandon confidence in ourselves or other men, and cast ourselves on Jesus, "The author and finisher of our faith".

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


When did Jesus pray? He rose eearly., But also as he ministed
How did He pray? On knees but also standing.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

women in leadership

When a man lords it over the church, it is culturally OK, but not according to Jesus. He said that the one who leads must be the one who serves. When a woman tries to lord it over men, it is culturally unaccepted but again, not the way of Jesus. What I like about Meyer is that when she teaches one would never get the impression she is trying to control anyone. She's just sharing her heart. If the church were anything close to what we saw in the NT, not being corrupted by Constantine, this issue would play out much differently.

If no one has their identity in what they do in the church, but rather in Christ alone, no one needs to be anything except who they are in Him, then our meetings will look remarkably different, Who will speak? Who will teach? I don't know. Maybe no one. Maybe we will just sit in His presence for some time, unconcerned about anyone saying anything at all. But when the Spirit gives utterance, it does not matter who is chosen. The Holy Spirit is teaching.

Hele Mai i Kauhane Hemolele.