Freedom 2021
What is 2021? Isn't it just a number? So is 2020, but if hindsight were 2020, well, 2020 would never have happened . . . Anyway, we went from freedom to the road of bondage, as was prophesied, rather quickly. Not much of a surprise, though. The Bible says, "Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is liberty". Conversely, where the Spirit of the LORD is not, well, yes, freedom cannot be found.
God granted mankind freedom in the Garden of Eden. We chose to rebel. We chose to cover up. We chose to create a religion of works, fueled by our natural strength (flesh). We did it our way. And what has that gotten us? Seven generations from Adam, the world was already so corrupt God hit the reset button, and wiped out all but eight souls. But sin He did not remove from the earth. We were free to choose then, and we are free to choose now. God is love, therefore God is free will. Love that is compelled is not love. Free will is only truly free if it can choose evil. God is not responsible for the mess in this world, we are. We must remember this in 2021 and beyond, till that final trumpet sounds, for till then I believe the world will descend into such darkness that all souls but a few will be lost.
"Lord, haste the day, when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back like a scroll
The trump shall resound,
And the LORD shall descend
Even so, it is well with my soul"