The Word became Flesh
"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. And we beheld His Glory, the Glory of the only begotten Son. " John 1:14
I suppose that this verse is the key verse in the entire Bible. JESUS is.present at the beginning as creator and now He enters the world as Savior. He returns to the world as the King. Merry Christmas.
Some have thought that His coming meant that as a man, JESUS was no longer God. In fact, while in the world, He was limited in knowledge and power. He had to learn obedience like any son. But at no time did Christ cease to be fully God. That he was the ONLY begotten Son tells us that He alone is God, albeit clothed in human flesh.
CHRIST in us is the hope of glory. We are like Him because He is in us, and we too learn obedience. Indeed, greater things we do than He, as He has gone to the Father, and sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Unlike Jesus, we are not God. But as He modeled a life wholly depending on the Father, we also are completely dependent on Him. We do what we see Him doing.
May this coming year our hearts be ever attuned to Him. May we do everything we see Him doing, and do nothing except that.