The Cross Revealed

God has given us all that we need to lead a life pleasing to Him. We abandon confidence in ourselves or other men, and cast ourselves on Jesus, "The author and finisher of our faith".

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Musings of the self amused

A bit out of the usual routine, I wrote Christmas cards and read a book tonight. This in contrast to my usual routine of amusing myself with games on the laptop. So I am taking a step back, looking at my life, and I begin to realize that life is not all about me. This is hardly new, but perhaps I see another perspective. When men become self-absorbed, they forget the plan for their lives. Life lived totally consumed on ones own good is a gray, miserable, existence. Soon comes the grave, but selfishness has already killed.

Jesus says to the Churches: "Strengthen that which remains". There is always hope. We can live, as someone said, 40 days without food, three without water and three minutes without air. But we cannot live a second without hope.

Lord, I am weak, but surely there remains something of a man who can live beyond the boredom and death of daily routine. Fix my gaze on someone else, may I be aware of life around me. Let my love for you drive me to share with others. May my love for them cause me to forget about myself. Amen.